What is a carport? Do you need planning permission to have a carport installed? And what are the benefits of having one? In this article, we’ll cover all of that and more.
What is a carport?
So, what is a carport? A carport is a covered structure that is designed to offer limited shelter and protection to vehicles (typically cars) from the elements. Most typical carports are either freestanding or attached to a wall/the side of a house. Unlike most traditional structures however, a carport does not have four walls, but more commonly one or two.
Do you need planning permission for a carport?
Do you need planning permission for a carport? Well, it really depends on where you are in the world. Your best bet is to contact your local council before you go ahead and carry out any form of construction work on your property. The last thing you want is to make such an investment, only to end up being fined by your council and having to take the carport down.
There are also other factors which you may need to consider, for example: whether your carport will obstruct sunlight or the view for one of your neighbours.
In most cases, a carport is an un-obstructive addition to a home, so it shouldn’t pose any problems for you at all. As such, the likelihood is that you will be able to proceed with the construction of your carport without any issues.
What are the benefits of having a carport?
So, what are the benefits of having a carport installed in your home? Is it worth the investment? Let’s take a look…
1 – Keep your car safe from the elements
The first benefit of having a carport is to keep your vehicle safe from the elements. You see, with constant sunlight, it’s not uncommon for a car’s colour to fade over time. The simple act of keeping your car under a carport when not in use can keep it looking bright and colourful for longer.
In addition to that, in heavy wind and rain, it’s not uncommon for debris to fly around, often landing on your car and potentially causing damage. Under a carport, your car will be sufficiently protected.
2 – Extra space / versatility
Your carport doesn’t just have to be for keeping your car protected. In fact, you can use this outside space for a number of different things, including BBQ’s and family gatherings. In addition to that, having the extra outside space and shelter is ideal for storing various items that may otherwise be at risk of wear and tear (e.g., tools, garden furniture, and so on).
Oh, and if you’ve always wanted a porch, your carport can double up as one as well!
3 – Additional protection and security
Rather than leaving your vehicle exposed or out on the street, having a carport offers extra protection and security for your assets. In fact, home owners with carports are significantly less likely to have their vehicles vandalised than those without.
Another great benefit of having a carport is that your vehicle will be visible, which means that you can keep a close eye on it when you are at home.
4 – Ideal for many vehicle types
It may be called a carport, but yours can be used to house any number of different vehicles. Sure, you’re not going to get a 10-wheeler truck in there, but small boats, RV’s, motorcycles, and trailers will fit wonderfully in your new carport.
5 – Easy access
A carport is in many ways superior to a garage, as there’s no faffing around with doors. You can simply roll your vehicle up the driveway and under your carport and voila, job done. This is extra convenient when you’ve come home with a trunk full of shopping—no struggling to open doors with your hands full of shopping.
6 – Energy-efficient storage solutions
It might seem too insignificant to mention, but the simple fact remains that a carport eliminates any need for electric door openers or bright lighting. This means that you can keep your energy output down, and thus your utility bills lower.
7 – Shade from the sun
You ever got into a hot car on a summer day? Particularly a vehicle with leather seats? It is NOT pleasant at all. Fortunately, by keeping your vehicle under a carport, you’ll be protecting it from the excessive heat, saving any potential UV damage, and making your car much more comfortable when you need to go for a drive on a sweltering day.
In addition to that, as mentioned earlier about having a porch; a carport can offer you a nice and cool shelter from the sun on those crazy summer days.
8 – Additional storage solutions
Again, just as you can use your carport to store things like garden furniture and outdoor heaters, you can even keep tools and boxes under it, turning it into a walk-in garage of sorts.
9 – Stylish and simple
Carports are typically sleek, simple, and stylish. Using high-quality materials and a reputable company like Apex Asia Constructions, you can have a stunning carport that can improve the overall aesthetic appeal of your home.
10 – Adds value
The greatest benefit of all? Having a carport installed can not only add value to your property, but increase its buyability. In other words, if you end up looking to sell, you’ll have much more interest in your property as carports are sought-after.
And that about sums it up! You typically don’t need to get planning permission for a carport, it all depends on where your property is based. However, as we suggested earlier in this article, it’s always worth double-checking with your local council before going ahead. That, and your carport construction company should be able to answer those questions for you as well.
With so many great benefits, having a carport installed in your property is a no-brainer! Good luck and enjoy.